
交叉引用: 设施使用政策217.01

适用性: This Operating Procedure applies to the 哪个app可以赌足球 (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) campus community, 包括所有学生, 人员, 和游客.

目的: The purpose of this Operating Procedure is to preserve an environment of spirited and open debate and allow for the opportunity to contribute to intellectual exchanges and participate fully in college life while on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 campus.


“Expressive Activity” is non-commercial expression that is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, 其中可能包括和平集会, 演讲, 抗议活动, 当纠察队, 以及类似的表达性交流和活动. 表达性活动不会造成或威胁伤害, 扰乱治安, 由好斗的言辞组成, 煽动个人犯罪或制造恐慌, 是不是淫秽或诽谤, 以及本操作程序的目的, 不打算包括由 校园招徕与促销操作程序.11.

“参与者”是指校园社区的任何成员, 包括所有学生, 人员, 和游客, 谁在赌钱app可以微信提现校园参与表达活动.


言论自由对赌钱app可以微信提现追求知识的共同目标至关重要. 赌钱app可以微信提现 supports the right of all members of the campus community to explore new ideas and learn from one another through exercising their First Amendment rights of free speech on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 campus. 而学院尊重这些权利, 联委会鼓励个人以公民礼仪原则为指导. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution does not protect conduct that threatens the health, 安全:人的安全或福利.

This Operating Procedure does not preclude the application of other College policies or state or local laws or regulations. 从事破坏性行为的学生或工作人员将受到纪律处分, 根据适用的学院政策和程序. 扰乱秩序的参与者将被移交给当地执法部门,并可能被赶出校园.  学院将以内容和观点中立的态度执行本操作程序.

I. 计划表达活动

赌钱app可以微信提现认识到校园是一个思想的市场. 计划表达活动 enables the College to ensure Participants’ safety and assist organizers, so the event takes place in a constructive and peaceable manner without disrupting the normal functioning of the College. 这也允许此类活动预先批准在校园的特定地点举行, 这将确保这个位置是专门为这种表达活动保留的.

Expressive Activity that is promoted in advance or expected to draw a crowd of at least 10 persons should register in advance, 最好在要求的任何表达活动开始前至少48小时, by completing the 表达活动预约表 through which organizers may request use of an area of campus listed in Section 3 位置.  Such form will be submitted to a dean over 学生生活 or designee for approval and coordination with applicable campus officials, such as the 赌钱app可以微信提现 设施安排 Office or 警察 Department and will allow organizers to reserve an area of campus listed in Section 3 位置.  而校园内的其他地点也可以用于预定的表达活动, 这些可能包括额外的安全问题, 调度冲突, 租赁费用, 或者资源限制.  No reservation will be denied based on the content or viewpoint of the proposed Expressive Activity or organizer, 任何拒绝都将包括决定的书面理由.  Appeals may be submitted in writing within ten (10) days to the Vice 总统 of Student Success and Engagement designee.

在学院附近的城市人行道和街道上举行的活动, organizers should make appropriate arrangements to acquire city permits and should adhere to city ordinances and applicable state and federal law.

II. 计划外表达活动

The College is committed to protecting the rights of expression and to making the campus available for these activities.  Protecting impromptu and spontaneous assembly for the purpose of expression is essential to fulfilling this commitment. 因此, 没有保留不是终止这种表达的依据, 除非该活动(1)不是表达性活动, as defined in this Operating Procedure; (2) conflicts with a previously scheduled event in the same location; or (3) may be reasonably restricted as described herein in Section IV 合理的限制.  否则, 计划外的表达活动通常会发生, 受第IV条的合理限制, 在校园或非学术场所的可达和开放的户外区域, 非管理, and publicly open portions of facilities that have traditionally be made available to students for expressive purposes, 即在公共区域和学生中心一层的美食广场和自助餐厅.

When an unscheduled Expressive Activity conflicts with an event that was previously scheduled for the same time and space, the unscheduled activity may be relocated to allow for the scheduled event or preparations for it. 

另外, an occurrence of Expressive Activity or an event on campus may invite another form of Expressive Activity by individuals with differing viewpoints. 如果表达性活动结合起来变得具有破坏性, the College reserves the right to relocate one or both Expressive Activities or to maintain a perimeter to promote physical safety or to otherwise address concerns identified in Section IV 合理的限制.

3. 位置


  • COM Plaza: the outdoor plaza south of the Commons Building (COM) and Student Center (SC) and north of the Campus Services Building (CSB) and Welding, 建设, 加工技术(WCMT)
  • Fountain Square: the outdoor square south of the Office and Classroom Building (OCB) and north of Science Building (SCI)
  • 雷尼埃草坪:雷尼埃中心(Regnier Center, RC)南边,美术中心北边的草坪 & 设计工作室(FADS)
  • 布里克广场位于中西部信托中心(MTC)以南和图书馆(LIB)以北
  • 基维拉入口的绿化带草坪
  • 绿带草坪在学院和基维拉的拐角处

Any location used for Expressive Activity must be left in its original condition at the conclusion of an event, 参与者有责任确保任何垃圾被妥善清除和丢弃.  Any participant who causes damage to College property will be responsible for paying charges necessary to return such property to its original state.  合理的清洁费用可能会被评估.

IV. 合理的限制

学院有权对时间进行合理的限制, place and manner of expression 包括 to reasonably restrict or prohibit certain conduct on the 赌钱app可以微信提现 campus to protect the members of the College community and College property.

A. 破坏性的活动

对于下列行为,学院可以加以限制:(1)破坏学院的正常运作, 包括, 但不限于, 教学, 研究, 政府, meetings and/or other authorized and permissible use of College facilities; (2) obstruct the free movement of persons about campus or block access to buildings; (3) infringe on the rights and privileges of others; (4) endanger the safety of any person(s); (5) cause damage to property; or (6) violate local ordinances, 州或联邦法律, 或大学政策.

B. 噪音水平

The College reserves the right to control the use of amplified sound devices on campus and other property controlled by the College.  表达活动的噪音水平不得影响学院的正常运作. 如果放大后的声音能被周围的邻居听到, organizers must acquire a City of Overland Park sound amplification permit and adhere to city ordinances and applicable state and federal law.

C. 持续时间

表达活动可能会限制在一段合理的时间内, 根据事件的类型和管理事件所需的资源, 包括校园办公时间, 它可能会被重新安置或合理限制, 按照本操作规程的规定.

